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US climate scientists pressured on climate change

"US scientists were pressured to tailor their reports on global warming to fit the Bush administration's climate change scepticism, a congressional committee heard on Tuesday 30 January. In some cases, this occurred at the...

Category: Climate Change


Energy roadmap backs renewables

"Half of the world's energy needs in 2050 could be met by renewables and improved efficiency, a study claims."


Scrap GMT to cut emissions and accidents, says study

"Britain should abandon Greenwich mean time and align its watches with central Europe, according to researchers who claim the switch would trim greenhouse gas emissions and reduce road accidents."


EU stumbles on the low-carbon road

"Environmentalists have expressed grave concern that the European Commission could be about to drop plans to ensure that new cars produce a quarter less carbon dioxide by 2012."

Category: Climate Change


Climate 'to affect nuclear sites'

"Rising sea-levels, increased wave height and increased storm surge height must all be considered in the planning of the UK's future nuclear stations."

Displaying results 1166 to 1170 out of 1185